Supranational Hotels +41-(0)27-9663490


With a focus on the very latest hotel distribution technologies, Supranational Hotels provides the most efficient way possible to distribute your hotel to a worldwide audience. Our online distribution network seamlessly integrates Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Online Travel Agents (OTAs), hotel websites and voice reservations.
 Global reach
Reach global network of travel agents, OTAs and bookers on your hotel website.

Manage reservations effortlessly

Our advanced Central Reservation System makes managing reservations and distribution effortless. User-friendly and intuitive, it is web-based and boast functionalities to suit the demands of every modern hotelier.

Reach agents globally

Through the GDS (Global Distribution Systems) tool member hotels distribute the hotel content, pricing and availability as well as reservation functionality to a worldwide network of travel agents. All seamlessly connected and easily managed through our CRS.

Connect with Online Travel Agents

Our CRS can be connected to main Online Travel Agents through a Channel Manager of your choice – so your hotel data on OTAs is always up-to-date and distribution is cost-effective.

Internet Booking Engine

More visitors will book direct from your website if the booking process is simple and quick. An IBE is an easy and cost-effective way to achieve this, and Supranational Hotels offers a number of options which work seamlessly with your website or come as part of a website package.

Between PMS and CRS

Data transfer as efficient as it could be: easily managed via your Property Management System (PMS) when your guests reserve your rooms via our central reservation system. Both availability and rate changes can be automatically uploaded from your PMS to our CRS and reservations from CRS downloaded to your PMS.

Call Centres
Our call centres have the world covered!

Supranational has service centres in UK, Italy, Germany and North America, taking calls from agents in different parts of the world. These provide travel buyers with information on our hotels and reservations, as well as general enquiries.

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